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136 Michele Ream

Michele Ream is a Realtor and Housing Advocate who is passionate about housing as a human right. She also tracks and shares machete crimes in the Old Pueblo which leads to her often being asked, “Hey, aren’t you that machete Realtor?” #machetemichele Michele is a long-time Tucson resident, arriving in the early 90s. Her history as a Social Worker and love of old homes combined to bring her skills in advocacy and education to the home buying and selling process. She is honored to be able to help people on their homeownership journey, while also changing folks' opinions of what a Realtor can be. Michele and her daughter host a Homeless Hut at their home to provide basic shelter, security, and stability for one of our houseless neighbors. She is also well known for her love of hairless dogs, vintage Pyrex, and yard tubs.
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